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Aroma Massage

Seminars for Health, ACMT CGY
Tue Nov 23, 2021 9am – 2pm
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Lisa Gossen
Lisa Gossen, BSc, RMT, CHNC
A sought after speak with a diverse therapeutic background, Lisa presents Holistic Nutrition in a practical and achievable manner.

Temporary COVID-19 Restrictions

Procedures for in-person training:

Seminars for Health is implementing the Restrictions Exemption Program in accordance with Alberta Health Services. This program will have the following measures added to all in-person training:

To enter any in-person training you must meet one of the following:

  • Proof of vaccination to enter the class with valid government-issued photo ID As of November 15, 2021 Seminars for Health will only accept vaccine QR codes in accordance with the mandate by the Alberta Government. Get your QR Code here. Alberta Covid Records
    • Only fully vaccinated individuals will be admitted
    • must be a vaccine approved in Canada
  • Documentation of a medical exemption
  • Proof of privately-paid negative PCR or rapid test within 72 hours of service (tests from AHS or Alberta Precision Laboratories not allowed). Link for asymptomatic testing Alberta.

Additionally, SFH will implement the following in-person procedures

  • Regular hand sanitizing
  • Working with the same partner
  • Mandatory masking

New and fun five hours course. Aroma Massage brings the feeling of harmony, boosts stamina and energy to the body, mind, and spirit. By combining targeted massage with selected essential oil properties and a unique massage approach, you will elevate the relaxation experience of massage with Essential Oil Therapy.

A powerful and noninvasive tool for assisting the body. Aroma Massage uses a sequence of antiseptic and antiviral essential oils that enhance the immune system, increase circulation and lymphatic flow.

You will work with essential oils, and three blends are in the treatment.  Specific gentle massage techniques and a unique form of reflexology deliver the oils deep into the tissues.

These are the principal oils used in Aroma-Massage

  1. Oregano: Soothes tired bodies with warmth and comfort. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory.
  2. Thyme: Spicy, herbaceous aroma perfect for relieving symptoms of cough. Highly antimicrobial.
  3. Cypress: It is popular to reduce joint and muscle pain and symptoms of cough and cold.
  4. Birch: Anti-inflammatory and analgesic
  5. Peppermint: Antimicrobial, analgesic, improves circulation
  6. Basil: Antimicrobial, relaxes muscles
  7. Marjoram: Relaxes muscles
  8. Blend of Braveheart
  9. Blend for Sore muscle and Bone
  10. Blend for Joint

Course outcomes

Perform a 60 min full body massage using seven essential oils and three blends in both prone and supine position

Learn specific essential oil application for safe practice and optimal results

Learn how to apply the essential oil to the body to reset and rejuvenate

Proficient in offering AromaMassage to your clients

This course includes

Kit of Seven essential oils and three blends ($200 value)

Comprehensive handout

Get a practical session done on you

Learn how to market Aroma Massage


Class times

Tue Nov 23, 2021 9am – 2pm
Class Category:

What to bring

  • Vegetable oil for massage
  • Sheets
  • Blanket, pillow or bolster for knees




Seminars for Health, ACMT CGY
10333 Southport Road SW (Suite A3)
Calgary, Alberta T2W 3X6 Canada
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I would highly recommend Seminars for Health to any Massage Therapist who is looking to learn and improve their treatments.

Angelika Weaver